Boston Bee Removal – How to Proactively Avoid Bee Infestations

Stinging insects, including bees and wasps, are responsible for over 500,000 emergency room visits each year. Boston is no stranger to bee infestations with over 10 species of wasps and bees alone. Before the need arises for a bee removal service, it is important to take time to identify the signs and put preventative measures in place to prevent serious injuries or damage to your home as a result of an infestation.

Spotting Early Signs of a Bee Infestation

Seeing bees in your backyard isn’t necessarily a guarantee that you have a bee infestation. They may have a hive nearby, and just be passing through. However, there are some things to look for that can indicate a potential bee problem. When you know what you’re dealing with, it’s easier to find the right solution. Be sure to watch for:

  • Excessive quantities of bees coming and going on your property. If there is a nest in or on your house, you should be able to spot the traffic increase.
  • Holes in soft or rotting wood in and around your home. Boring bees like carpenter bees will make tunnels in wood, where they nest, lay eggs, and store food.
  • Holes in the ground around your house. Many bumble bees nest in the ground and are aggressive about defending their nest.

Is It Really a Bee Problem?

You obviously don’t want to get too close for fear of getting swarmed, but you should try to get a good look at the insects you’ve noticed and ensure that they are, in fact, bees. Wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are often mistaken for bees, but are actually much nastier insects. Bees, for the most part, are relatively social and aside from protecting their nest, won’t be bothered with the people coming and going.

If you aren’t able to identify the exact type of bee or insect you might be dealing with, you should definitely call in a professional. A bee removal expert will be able to identify any problems you are having, including whether or not bees are involved. After identifying the pest, the professional can help you come up with an effective solution to eliminate the problem and prevent future issues.

Preventative Tips and Tricks

If you don’t yet have a bee problem, it’s still important to take steps to prevent one from occurring. There are a number of ways to do this. Ultimately, it’s about taking away their housing options. When a hive splits off into two and the newly-formed swarm goes in search of a new home, they will typically swarm in trees and shrubbery. Then, they will send a few scout bees to look around for a suitable place to nest. If there isn’t anything to be found, they will move on.

You can keep bees from settling on your home by taking the time to plan ahead and take a few preventive measures:

  • Seal all holes that are ¼ inch or larger. Bees only need that much space to get in and once inside, they can tunnel and nest as much as they need. Use durable materials like caulk or metal screen to ensure adequate protection.
  • Spot-treating potential scouts, if possible, is a quick elimination technique. You can’t guarantee that bees are scouts, of course, and the odds of you actually catching them scoping out your home is rare. Still, if you get them with a spray and they don’t report back to the swarm, they will move on.
  • Get rid of clutter and rotting wood. Bees like undisturbed, quiet places to nest. If you have old appliances or lots of unused, dead wood on your property, you’re more likely to develop a bee problem.
  • If you have previously dealt with bee infestation, make sure that the entire nest and honeycomb is removed. This is often overlooked because the honeycomb is usually buried in a void or under eaves, or somewhere else that is inaccessible to humans. However, the pheromones in the honeycomb could attract new tenants, so you need to make sure it’s completely gone.
  • Pre-treat your home and plants to keep bees away. There are bee management and control programs you can set up with your local bee exterminator to keep your home free of bees, wasps, and other nasty stinging insects.

Will Bug Sprays & Bee Killers Work?

Too often, homeowners want to cut costs and decide to purchase a bee killer or repellant from their local home improvement store. These products would not be on the market if they had not been proven effective. However, the safety of these products is always worth considering. Even sprays that claim to kill “instantly” take a few minutes to take full effect. In that time, angry bees can, and will, swarm and attack you.

While it might seem easy enough to take care of your own bee problems, it really isn’t worth the hassle or the risk. With professional bee exterminator services, you can let a trained professional solve the problem safely and effectively.

Professional Bee Removal in Boston

With so many potential threats from bees and wasps, Boston residents need to enlist the help of professionals as soon as a problem arises. A trained professional can do a survey of your home, identify problems and potential risks, and help you come up with the best solutions. Keep in mind that modern pest control services use chemicals that have very low toxicity, making them much safer for kids and pets. Plus, many companies now also offer organic bee removal solutions for homeowners.

Call us today to discuss your bee problems or prevention needs. AAA Exterminating Company has been a leader in bee removal in Boston for many years, and we can help solve your bee problems once and for all. We can assess your home and create an action plan for your needs. Our experienced technicians will also inspect the rest of your property to identify future risks and provide education on how you can keep bees, wasps, and other stinging insects away for good. Contact us today to learn more!